There are some parameters that need to be examined in order to spot a high-end Hermes scarf replica. Firstly, examine the fabric. All genuine Hermes scarves are made from 100% silk and a high-quality replica will come close to that. According to an article by Vogue, real Hermes scarves are made from a type of silk that weighs about 40 grams per square meter and fakes should weigh the same when feeling authentic.
Next, verify the print quality. Due to a special printing process that uses up to 40 colors, the designs of Hermes scarves are quite detailed and they have an incredible vivid color. According to a report on Fashion Magazine, high-quality replicas typically use incredible printing techniques which make them appear just as vivid and vibrant — albeit with marginal errors.
Check the stitches and hems Authentic Hermes scarves are hemmed by hand and take one whole workday to perform, the stitches on a silk scarf must be meticulously placed. A Hermes scarf hem is approximately 0.5 cm wide on average Scorucci, a good replica will look almost the same, clean straight stitches. According to a review by an expert in luxury goods, many lower quality replicas will have uneven stitching or loose threads.
Search for Hermes logos and tags Real Hermes scarves have a small logo often present in one of the corners and placed with bold lettering. According to a report by The Luxury Closet, well-made replicas tend to copy these details correctly but differences in placement or size of letters can help diagnose whether the item is real.
Finally, consider the price. Real Hermes scarves go for around $400 to 700 depending on the design. For example, a $100 replica (or less) that is still likely to be called good but should probably be examined for the above reasons. Based on Fashion Network’s data, replicas of better quality cost anywhere from $150 to about $300 because they are much closer copies of the real thing.
For those interested in familiar replicas, check out at hermes scarf replica for some nicely executed versions.